Welcome to the Scalp Level Covenant Brethren Church Website:
Join us for worship this Sunday, January 19th @10:30AM. This morning’s message is “THE BIBLE IS OUR FOUNDATION” from Matthew 7:24-29 & II Timothy 3:15-16 and is part of the series, “The Race Marked Out For Us”. We are looking forward to worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with you!! Here is the link for the LIVE stream worship service if you are unable to be with us in person:
Here is the link from our service on Sunday, January 12th. Message title: “GROWING TOGETHER TO THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST” from EPHESIANS 4:1-16. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/cufpbtJc5Uo
Check out the other tabs for more information and resources about our church. We hope you can join us and be a part of the ministry of our church family as we worship the Lord Jesus Christ. 
You can find us on Facebook.